Divine Madness
Item set
I Demand Extinction Of Laws Prohibiting Narcotic Drugs!
Heroin Haikus
Flores Albumasaris
Facsimile of The Bern Physiologus (Codex Bongarsianus 318)
Facsimile of The Ashmole Bestiary
Facsimile Excerpt of the Apollo 11 Mission Commentary
Déscription générale […] de la colonie de Surinam
Cosmographie Introductio
Cosmographicus liber
Carta Marina de 1516
Capitalism Plus Dope Equals Genocide
Brasilianische Geschichte bey Achtjähriger
Atlas Portatilis
An account of the first voyages and discoveries made by the Spaniards in America
An account of the expedition to the West Indies
Almagestum Novum