Raccolta dell’armi antiche, e moderne de nobili ferraresi
Descriptive Information
- Title
- Raccolta dell’armi antiche, e moderne de nobili ferraresi
- Description
- There are scrapbook elements in this collection of coats of arms of noble families of Ferrara. Each coat of arms includes a blank shield, floriate border, and helmet, likely produced from a limited set of woodblock templates. To this base, each family's crest is added above the helmet. The escutcheon may be drawn in a colored by hand, or finished with woodcut overlays. More hand coloring completes the coat of arms. The family name is inscribed below, sometimes with brief descriptions. Some shields remain blank, perhaps from lack of information. In 1689 another edition of this work was published: this time, printed entirely from woodcut, with no hand coloring or customization.
- Call Number (click link to view in library catalog)
- Q. 929.6 M33r
- Authors
- Maresti, Alfonso
- Full Title
- Raccolta dell'armi antiche, e moderne de nobili ferraresi con l'origine loro fin hora trouate dal conte e caualiere Alfonso Maresti ferrarese.
- Date
- 1685
- From the Exhibit
- Building a Library: Genealogy and Heraldry
- Publisher
- Nella stampa camerale
- Location
- Ferrara
- Language
- Italian
- Rights
This item is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs.
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reproduction and publication policies are available here: https://www.library.illinois.edu/rbx/collections/reproduction-services/. The library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions at askacurator@illinois.edu. - Type
- Text
- Medium
- Book
- Bibliographic Citation
- Maresti, Alfonso. Raccolta dell’armi antiche, e moderne de nobili ferraresi con l’origine loro fin hora trouate. In Ferrara: Nella stampa camerale, 1685. Print.