Sommario delle vite de’ duchi di Milano
Descriptive Information
- Title
- Sommario delle vite de’ duchi di Milano
- Description
- Barbuo's work is a summary of the lives of the Visconti and Sforza dukes of Milan, who were very prominent patrons of Renaissance art and architecture. The Visconti dynasty ruled Milan for nearly two centuries until the death of Filippo Maria in 1447, who had no male heir. Francesco I Sforza, Filippo Maria's "condottiero" and son-in-law, took over and began the reign of the House of Sforza, which lasted until 1535. The book gives a short biography of each duke, paired with an impressive engraved portrait. As in the manuscript Famiglie nobili di Venezia in the exhibit, this volume also bears the traces of the Mocenigo family, with an illuminated parchment leaf pasted opposite the title page. The miniature was likely made in the nineteenth century in the style of medieval illumination. Above the Mocenigo arms is the Lion of St. Mark, the symbol of Venice.
- Call Number (click link to view in library catalog)
- Q. 929.2 V822b
- Authors
- Barbuò, Scipione
- Full Title
- Sommario delle vite de' duchi di Milano, cosi Visconti, come Sforzeschi raccolto da diuersi auttori da m. Scipion Barbuò Soncino, dottor di legge, et gentilhuomo padouano; col natural ritratto di ciascun d'essi, ingagliato in rame.
- Date
- 1584
- From the Exhibit
- Building a Library: Genealogy and Heraldry
- Publisher
- Appresso Francesco Ziletti
- Location
- Venice
- Language
- Italian
- Rights
This item is the physical property of the Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Intellectual property rights, including copyright, may reside with the materials' creator(s) or their heirs.
The Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reproduction and publication policies are available here: The library welcomes requests for reproductions made from works in our collections, though restrictions may apply to certain materials. Please contact the library with any questions at - Type
- Text
- Medium
- Book
- Bibliographic Citation
- Barbuò, Scipione. Sommario delle vite de’ duchi di Milano, cosi Visconti, come Sforzeschi. Venice: Appresso Francesco Ziletti, 1584. Print.