Banner of books on a shelf with title, Text as Art: Artists' Books from the Ricker Library

About this Collection

"Text as Art: Artists' Books from the Ricker Library" is a collection of artists' books that highlights the use of written language as a visual element. Included are instances of concrete poetry, visual poetry, and other works which utilize linguistic elements as visual entities. All books in this collection are located in the Ricker Library of Architecture and Art Vault. University of Illinois Library users can check out vault items for in-library use at the Ricker Library. These items and other artists’ books can be found by searching the University of Illinois Library Catalog.

To browse the collection, use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the page. To select items by title, scroll to the top of the page and select the desired item from the menu bar. For questions regarding this collection, or for more information on artists’ books, contact the Ricker Library of Architecture and Art at

Fair Use Guidelines

Materials in this collection are provided for personal and/or scholarly use. Users are responsible for obtaining any copyright permissions that may be required for their own further uses of that material. For more information about fair use please refer to the College Art Association Code of Best Practices in Fair Use in the Visual Arts.

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