The Campus Folksong Club was active on the University of Illinois campus from the early 1960s through the early 1970s. During its height in the 1960s, the CFC had over 500 members. The University of Illinois Campus Folksong Club Oral History Project was developed by Tracie Wilson, the 2006-2007 Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Fellow and folklorist with technical assistance by Tabatha Becker, Reference and Web Resources Graduate Assistant. Additional interviews were conducted by Annie Paprocki, Anthropology and Sociology Librarian.
Vic Lukas was co-founder of the University of Illinois Campus Folksong Club. He studied anthropology at graduate level at the University of Illinois and Duke University, with additional coursework at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and conducted fieldwork in Jamaica. He has worked for several years as a scientific computer programmer in North Carolina, where he continues to live, and has received many awards for work in photography and film. Music continues to be central in his life. He plays regularly with the Maudlin Brothers, a group dedicated to gospel music and songs of tragic romance and plays old-time music with the Porch Climbers. He is an active participant in fiddle conventions and music festivals and has taught courses on the history of Blues and Country music at the Augusta Heritage Center at Davis & Elkins College.